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How to get a Tax Free at Sharjah Airport

Как оформить Такс Фри в аэропорту Шарджи

Since the beginning of 2018, the UAE has been included in the list of countries with a value-added tax of only 5%. The final price of products will affect expensive goods the most, but such changes should not be a reason to abandon some exclusive purchases, since it is possible to use a VAT exemption system called Tax Free. Next, you will learn how to arrange a Taxi Free at Sharjah airport.

How to return Tax Free in the Emirates

It is allowed to receive VAT compensation when shopping in the Emirates in several cases:

  • Foreigners who have reached the age of 18, but they do not have a resident visa in the UAE;
  • When shopping in stores that are registered in a special electronic list of the Federal Tax Administration of the Emirates;
  • If a person has left the territory of the country within three months of their stay, taking the purchased goods with them;
  • When the price of the purchased item is more than 250 dirhams;
  • While maintaining the original condition of the product before handling in order to receive a refund, since it was not used.

What you need to get a VAT refund 

Even if all these points are met, there are certain restrictions for the refund. In certain cases, Tax Free will not affect:

  • Employees who belong to the crews of aircraft of foreign countries;
  • Vehicles purchased in the UAE are cars, motorcycles, yachts, airplanes;
  • Goods that were partially or completely used while the person was still in the country.

It is not difficult for tourists to return value added tax in the Emirates, it is only important to follow certain rules prescribed by the state. When shopping in stores that provide a Tax Free service, you need to ask for a special coupon. To confirm your right to a refund, you must provide a passport so that the store employee can make sure of this. The coupon is not issued for free, you need to pay 4.8 dirhams for it. The refund money can be received within 90 days from the date of the purchase transaction.

VAT refund at the airport

If there is a question of how to issue a Tax Free in Sharjah, this requires going to a dedicated counter with the appropriate name, where a passport, boarding pass, Tax Free coupon, receipts and goods to be exported are presented.

To receive a refund, you need to discover an international card, for example, Mastercard, Visa or another. It is allowed to issue it in cash, but there is a limit of up to 7000 dirhams per day. The amount is not limited for cards.

You can make a payment via a terminal called Planet Payment. You will need to scan your passport in it, the receipts you received, and also enter the details of the plastic card to which the funds will be refunded. In this case, a credit card is required even for those who want to receive their money in cash. It acts as a definite guarantee.

If shopping is carried out with the expectation of such a tax refund, it is recommended to take into account that VAT is refunded in the amount of 85% of its original amount, and 4.8 dirhams will be deducted from each check in the format of a fee charged by the operator of the refund system.

The authorities of the United Arab Emirates have done what depends on them to make the process of tax exemption for foreigners the most comfortable and simple.

Where and at what stage is the Tax-free counter located at Sharjah Airport


As soon as you arrive at the airport, you need to check in at the appropriate counter.

If there are items in hand luggage or in the main baggage for which you can issue a refund using the Taxi Free model, an airport employee will orient where the Taxi Free is located at Sharjah airport, usually this is a designated place in the customs control zone. You need to approach the employee at the counter to present your passport, boarding pass, Tax Free certificate, receipts, and the goods that will be taken out.

When the provided papers are checked, the employee will give an envelope for folding checks and other papers. The packed envelope is deposited in a special box, which is installed in the customs control area. After completing all the procedures, you can go to the Taxi Free counter, where the money will be issued.

Useful tips

It is important to remember that you can apply for Free taxes on goods intended for use at home – clothing, appliances, electronics and others.

Check the documents before visiting the supermarket, if you have any questions, you can ask them before purchasing.

It is recommended to take goods in those salesrooms that are already registered in the Tax Free system. This is easily determined by the special characters at the input.

Checks and papers must be saved so that they can be presented later to receive a refund.

In some stores, it is possible to get an additional discount when ordering Free taxis. Information can be obtained from the seller.

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Vladimir Sviridov
Vladimir Sviridov
General Manager RLC Consulting
With a Postgraduate Masters in Finance from The, Moscow State University, Russia. Vladimir started his professional career as an auditor of the financial sector of EY. After that, he worked for several years in senior positions in corporate banking. In 2018-2021, he managed the finances of a large agricultural holding, and is currently responsible for strategic planning, corporate partnership and financial management in the role of General Manager of RLC Consulting GROUP in the UAE.

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